Гарантия 2 года на тепловые насосы Kolant
Тепловые насосы Kolant получили сертификат UKAS ISO9001

Other low quality heat pumps!
      Many super cold area such as North Europe Scandinavia countries may meet very embarrassing problem is that their heat pump may be frozen during winter lik this.  Even when the air temp is just  -5 degree.  In this condition, the heat pump cannot make any heat for their home in the cold winter. The frozen heat pump will cause home fronzen. So it is very important to choose a correct heat pump.

On the contrary, Even -15 degree is a good condition for Kolant air source heat pump. It can even make heating during  minus -20 degree, which is proved by Kolant real customer feed back. Kolant Inverter air source heat pump can make heating during -25 degree. 

Kolant heat pump give warm during the cold winter

Recent Feedback by our customers in scandinavian countries told us that they have very cold climate this winter. Someone scream that new ice age is coming!  This is the coldest winter for 30 years.  Most place come to lowest -20°C, some place lower to -25°C.   Most heat pumps are frozen and stop working.   The electricity and gas bill increase too high in this winter. How to survive this winter with heat pumps? Very enoucrage news from many countries said that Kolant heat pumps are still working very well and give warm to home. Kolant heat pumps are equipped with most advanced defrost technology and antifreeze technology and already run in real field working for several winters. The practice approve Kolant heat pump can work in scandinavian countries for whole cold winter. Kolant Non Frozen heat pumps

Some feedback from Customer

Mr. Döhler said:  have the German text For this, the bad translation in English. These guarantees must be corrected. (English I’m not a pro)

Ich habe eine 3Aqua-19 installiert. Ich betrachtete es mehr als ein Abenteuer. Schließlich wohne ich in Muldenhammer. Dazu gehört der kälteste bewohnte Ort von Deutschland, Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz. Und die vorhandene Öl-Heizung mit Radiatoren stellte auch keinen Idealzustand dar. Also Test unter Extrembedingungen. Aber mich reizten der Preis und die sehr geringen Installationskosten. Die Inneneinheit enthält neben 2 Wärmetauschern bereits einen Heizungswassertank (mit 2 Elektroheizstäben je 3KW) und einen Brauchwassertank mit Elektroheizstab für Legionellenschaltung. Das Ergebnis war verblüffend. Bis -20°C arbeitete die Wärmepumpe ohne jegliche Unterstützung durch die Heizstäbe. Auch die Warmwasserbereitstellung erfolgt in kürzester Zeit.

Fazit: Alle meine Bedenken lösten sich in Luft auf. Diesen Schritt habe ich nicht bereut.  

English version: I have an installed 3Aqua-19. I looked at it more as an adventure. Finally, I live in Muldenhammer. This is one of the coldest inhabited place of Germany, Morgenröthe-Rautenkranz. And the existing oil heating system with radiators also provided no ideal state dar. So test under extreme conditions. But I was attracted by the price and the very low installation costs.  The indoor unit contains two heat exchangers already Heating water tank (each with 2 x 3KW electric heating),  and a hot water tank with electric immersion heater for legionella.  The result was amazing.  To -20 ° C, the heat pump to work without any support from the heating elements. The hot water supply is in a very short time.

Conclusion: All my doubts vanished into thin air. This step, I have not looked back.  

Besten Dank Dipl. Ing. (FH) Roland Döhler

Kolant heat pump work in low ambient temp of snowing day

Some feedback from Finland Customer

Mr. Heikki said:

It’s nice, that you are interested about my pumps operation.

1. >Outside air temp is now -13 degrees Celsius

2. The pump is connected with an old water central heating with radiators. The room size is about 150 m2.

3. Outdoor units defrosting is working properly, from my mind even too often. When temp was higher, a little under zero, there was some frost, but now nothing.

4. Triaqua can reach target water temp wery well. More emails: Hi, Here are some photos here. We have two kind of radiators, as you can see. The low ones are hidden unde the benches.

Kolant heat pump work in low ambient temp in Finland

More emails from customer:

Hi,I made a little test.

We have now -24C and I turned the old wood heating system off and started Triaqua.

After a while temp had risen 1 degree. So that it really gave warmth. After that I returned to the wood heating, because I think, that it is cheeper in these circumstances.

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