Why choose Kolant heat pump?
Kolant Dual source multifunctional heat pump to use solar-ground together with air source-23KW

R290 inverter 70C outlet water temp by only heat pump without any assistant heaters.   

High temperature heat pump to replace boiler directly.

Stable heating capacity, no capacity loss in any cold weather.
high temperature ground source heat pump outlook
high temperature ground source heat pump back view

High temperature Heating Cooling Ground source/ Water source HeatPump  single unit with slim size (2-30KW)

Water source heat pump

5 Times Energy Saving as Normal Gas or Petrol Heater.

Suitable for Frigid zone area.  No capacity loss in even -50C air temp.

Quiet unit, free of neighbour complain.

Main Characters:

1. High temperature 70 degree C outlet water. Can replace directly any exisiting boiler. Great product for house upgrade for cost saving.

2. Easy installation, easy maintenance, trouble free product.

3.   Extrimly energy saving.

4.   Can be connected with solar water heater system.

5.   All water access parts are stainless steel and copper to keep safe, healthy and non-pollution


Kwaliteit voor betrouwbaarheid en bespaart kosten voor het onderhoud van:

Our parts are always choosend with the top brand in the world

Heat exchanger: Stainless steel SU316 plate heat exchanger.

The compressor: Daikin brand Scroll type

Warmte expansie ventiel: Emerson merk

Water pump: Wilo brand from Germany (optional parts)

Vier weg klep: Saginomiya merk van Japan

De bovengenoemde onderdelen maken het mogelijk onze warmtepomp worden de problemen gratis producten.

Warer source heat pump (ground source heat pump) working theory diagram.

Geothermal Heatpumps diagram

Flexible installation of typical water source heat pump application:

For Open Loop Water Source Heat Pump, please check our special open loop water source heat pump models at /open-loop-water-source-heat-pump-water-to-water-heat-pump-7-60kw.html

water source ground source heat pump lake,pond and river application

Geothermal Heat Pump for Lake, Pond and River

water source ground source heat pump horizontal connection

Geothermal Heat Pump Horizontal Ground loop

water source ground source heat pump vertical connection

Geothermal heat pump vertical ground loop

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