Green Car Innovation Fund (axed): Fund provides assistance to companies to enhance the research and development of technology to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of motor vehicles.
Cleaner Car Rebate scheme (axed): Cash-for-clunkers program was already deferred until later this year. Rebate of $2,000 was to go to new car buyers who scrapped their pre-1995 passenger vehicle.
Carbon Capture and Storage Flagships and Solar Flagships schemes (deferred): Program accelerated the development and demonstration of carbon capture and low-emission energy technologies.
Solar Hot Water Rebate scheme (capped): Demand management system to be introduced. The scheme helps householders replace old electric storage hot water systems with solar or pompe à chaleur hot water systems.
Green Start program (axed): Grants scheme to replace failed Green loans program.
Global Capture and Storage Institute (funding capped): The institute brings together public and private sectors to exchange know-how and expertise on carbon capture and storage.